G Hanson
Zone 3 Director
July Ramblings
Briefing from the Grey Power Federation
Annual General Meeting, June 2024
More sponsorship is being investigated.
An update by Grey Power Electricity (GPE) to the members. Still continuing with the account credit for new GPE clients.
Advocating to Government to hold the Low User electrical line charges rather than phase them out.
Pet and car insurance is coming.
Non-driver identity cards still being pursued with Government.
All National Advisory Group heads spoke on their continued advocacy with Ministers.
It is very important to get feedback from members when requested from the Federation as advocating with no evidence is not possible.
Overall, membership has increased in the last 12 months. In some smaller associations by a significant amount.
Speakers were Carolyn Cooper, Aged Care Commissioner, and Casey Costello, Minister for Seniors.
New Grey Power Federation President is Gayle Chambers.
A bit of controversy with some presentations and the remits, but at the end all remits were passed.
Special evening to honour our past President, Jan Pentecost and her husband for their commitment to Grey Power.

Ministry of Social Development
Being a Carer - Taking Care of Yourself
When you spend time caring for someone else it’s important to take care of yourself too. Looking after your physical and emotional health will help improve your wellbeing and reduce chances of becoming stressed and isolated.
The time you spend caring may make it hard for you to have time for yourself. Making sure you take time out for yourself, even if it’s for a few hours a week, can make a big difference. Spending that time catching up with friends and family, relaxing and practising mindfulness, getting outside into nature, and doing other activities you enjoy can be great for your wellbeing.
The Carers NZ website has resources online to support your wellbeing to view or to order printed copies of these resources call 0800 777 797:
Time Out Guide – A self-care and respite planning guide
Are you caring for an older family member or friend? – A wellbeing resource for carers of older people
Are you a young carer? – Information and wellbeing advice for children and young people in caring roles.
Care Matters is another organisation that aims at improving the health and wellbeing of carers of disabled people, family and whānau, and disabled people by providing accessible learning information.
Care Matters provides online information and resources, has a free phone service for carers and holds face-to-face events like workshops. Workshops are tailored to local carers’ needs, occur throughout New Zealand and are free to attend.
To find out more visit carematters.org.nz or call 0508 236 23.

F Hohener
Membership Secretary
Snippets of Importance
Rates Rebate
If you qualified last year (2023/2024) for a Rates Rebate, which was applied to your annual rates you need to book an appointment by yourself. This is a change from previous years when appointment dates and times were sent to you. The online booking system enables you to book your own appointment date and time, at your convenience. Pre-book an appointment for a Rates Rebate meeting through the online booking form by visiting Rotorualakescouncil.nz/RatesRebate
Find out about your rates rebate eligibility by going to the Government rebates webpage. There is also a rates rebate calculator available.
Bowel Cancer
The bowel is part of the food digestive system. It joins the stomach to the rectum and helps waste material (faeces or poo) to leave the body. Bowel cancer affects men and women and is most often found in people who are 50 years and older. The chance of getting bowel cancer increases with age and in people with a family history of bowel cancer.
The National Bowel Screening Programme is a free programme to help detect bowel cancer. It is being offered every two years to people aged 60 to 74 years who are eligible for publicly funded health care.
Quick Heat Pump Tips
Heat pumps are great – they're efficient, quick and convenient but heating can make up over 35% of winter power bills. Here’s how to make the most of your heat pump through winter.
Don't set your heat pump to above 21 degrees
Try turning the fan speed up, instead of the temperature
Clean indoor and outdoor filters regularly
More information can be found HERE.
Zero Data
Use this site to get free access to the websites listed on the Zero Data webpage from your mobile – you don’t need data but you do need it turned on. Zero Data is available to anyone using a mobile device connected to the Spark, Skinny, One NZ, 2degrees, Warehouse Mobile, Slingshot or Orcon mobile networks.
Prescription Charges
July has seen several new government policies come into effect. The reinstating of part prescription charges at the pharmacy is one of them. Good news for the over 65 year olds, holders of a Community Services Card or a Prescription Subsidy Card for prescriptions from approved providers. The charges do not affect these people, who will continue to be eligible for free scripts unless it is a non-funded medicine or from a specialist. Your pharmacist can advise you if you are unsure.

Office Opening: Tuesday - Thursday, 11 a.m. - 2 p.pm.